Friday, 22 February 2008

omg... a play by Terry Pratchett!

Mum and I went last night. I highly recommend it. I am a huge Pratchett fan, but even if you're not, I still recommend it.

In fact it was a great adaption of one of my favourite Pratchett books. Initially I had to adjust to the actors not always matching my mental pictures of the characters and of course they had to leave some bits out, but it worked - and if you weren't very familiar with the book (I had re-read it for the 3rd or 4th only a month ago) you probably wouldn't have noticed.

Outstanding mentions:
Miss Dearheart, Adora Belle Dearheart (not a funny name), was spot on. Excellent characterisation.
Stanley. Stanley was even more "Stanley-like" than the character in the book. If that's possible. He/she was brilliant (a girl played the part of the boy) and hilarious.

The whole thing was very funny actually and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

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