Wednesday, 30 July 2008


I had a bit of an... ...unusual... ...experience this morning.

I was driving along when I looked down and saw a spider the size of a 50c piece on my arm!
Arrgh! S***! OMFG! really doesn't do justice to the shock I got. I nearly jumped out of my skin! Of course at the time I was wearing 5 layers of clothing and a pair of gloves, but that's not what you think of when something like this happens, is it? Thankfully I am not the sort to panic at the sight of a spider - especially as I was going 60km/hr down a fairly major road near my place at the time. After unsuccessfully trying to get it out the window, I pulled over onto the grassed median strip and jumped out the car and stripped off my jumper as fast as possible. A bit of shaking and flicking later and it was all over bar the wondering "how the hell did it get onto my jumper in the first place?" I really hope it was from the outside of the car not the inside and it hasn't left any friends (or babies) behind.

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