...as a series of Facebook status updates and snapshots of happenings...
Jess would like to go to dancing tonight, but thinks that staying home, packing, and getting a good nights sleep before the 7hr drive tomorrow would be a much more sensible idea. (5.56pm Fri)
Jess is "on the road again" (~10am Sat)
Jess : still on the road. Sigh :-/ (~4pm Sat)
Jess is in Kalgoorlie (5.30pm Sat)
Sunday morning:
Time = too early - wake up as Thia get up and leaves bedroom, considerately pulling the curtains behind her and shutting out unwanted light. Promptly go back to sleep.
Time = later - wake up to smell of someone preparing a full cooked breakfast in next room. Decide it's definitely time to get up now. Yum!
Jess is finding this being cooked for thing rather novel and very pleasant, especially when said cook is as good at it as Thia is. (all weekend)
Jess is valiently - but not entirely successfully - resisting the urge to check her email and go on facebook this weekend. It's meant to be a holiday from regular life damnit. (ditto)
Jess is soaking up the sun and the 30 degree heat next to the pool in Kalgoorlie. Nice. (Mon arvo)
Jess is wondering what the hell is she doing swimming when it's only September. The water quite nice actually. Once you get past the getting in stage anyway. *eep* (ditto)
After dinner we played Carcassone. This is a brilliant game of strategy, plotting and other nefarious plans. Be warned - it may cause you to fall out with your friends when they sneakily take over and steal your points winning castles.
Thia: 48 points! I can't believe I finished a 48 point castle. Wow.
Me: Die! Die cruel and horrible deaths for you hath stolen my castle ridiculous.
Thia is spotted plotting nefarious plans
Me: Aha! I see your nefarious plans and counter with some nefarious plotting of my own.
Thia: I see your nefarious plotting and raise you 2x nefarious plans
Me: Noooooo! Not again! *Counters nefarious plan once more*
**Repeat from above
Thia: This tile's not useful at all.
Me: Hah suffer! suffer cruel and horrible... cruel and horrible things.
BB: Her heart's not in it anymore.
Brightbear was surreptiously quiet for the most part, but did manage to take out the 2nd game by a huge points margin. Sneaky. :-)
(Tues 11am)
Me: "We're on the road again"
BB: Will you shut up with that song?
Me: Sorry.
Many many hours later:
Jess is glad to be back.
NB. I may have possibly taken a little creative license in recording some of the exchanges above.
For slightly more coherent perspectives of our weekend you could try here or here. Brightbear has yet to comment.
Actually, it was more "Die, and suffer cruel and horrible" *sneeze, sneeze* as I recall.
ReplyDeleteI still can't believe that Castle Ridiculous got finished.