Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Earth Carers
One statistic that I read somewhere in their info last night was that the equivalent of Subiaco Oval filled to 1.5 times the height of the goal posts with wastegoes to landfill at Tamala Park each year. And that's just the from the residents in Cambridge, Stirling, Perth, Joondalup, Vincent and Victoria Park. Where the other Perth residents' waste goes, I don't know.
I put my name down to do their free Earth Carers training course which is starts on the 13th May.
Josh Byrne from Gardening Australia was at the meeting as a special guest speaker. I don't watch Gardening Australia but it was actually really interesting hearing him speak. Most of the examples he used were taken from his place in South Freo - his worm farm in an old bathtub, his chicken tractor, the greywater system for watering the garden, and the rainwater tank under the decking. Clearly he walks the talk, practices what he preaches, etc
One example that particularly stuck in my mind is that a 3,500 litre rainwater tank if used to flush the toilet and running the washing machine all through the wet months, can save around 40,000 litres of water each year. This is slightly different to conventional thinking which says get a rainwater tank to water the garden with . But as Josh pointed out, getting a rainwater tank for this purpose means it's full/overflowing in winter when you don't need it, and rapidly runs out in summer when you do. By using the rainwater tank, at the time of year when it's frequently being refilled, it's like putting water in the bank for the summer (by using less in winter and allowing our dams to fill up more). Interesting. Apparently it's also quite easy to install a mains backed-up system like he's got and what with water conservation being such a hot topic at the moment, you can even get a government rebate for it.
5 out of the 8 library applications I put in, have called me regarding an interview. This is good although the last three I've had to turn down as I'm starting my new job on Mon. Yay!
It's an average of 30hrs a week - Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri and every second Sat morning. I'm looking forward to it. I met about half the people who work there the day before yesterday and they all seem really nice.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Caution: Ferret on board
Yesterday I walked past a car with a 'ferret on board' bumper sticker. However unusual this may be, that was not the sticker that caught my attention. This one, which has caused much puzzlement ever since, said "Ferrets are like potato chips. You can never just have one"
Hmm... Interesting. My chemistry lecturer many years ago used to tell us that chemistry is like ferrets. So therefore I have realised that the following conclusion can be drawn:
chemistry = ferrets = potato chips
Well I don't know about you, but I know which one I'd rather eat.
A cat tried to hijack my car yesterday. Thankfully I managed to persuade it to let me have my car back. I'm serious, if exaggerating a little. I pulled up in my friends driveway to pick her up and got out my car. Before I could shut the door this cat jumps in. It was a black cat and it was really dark so I wasn't entirely sure what had happened until I reached in, turned the light on and saw Mr Kitty was making himself comfortable on my passenger seat.
We had words, lots of shoeing motions and eventually I managed to persuade him to get out again.
There is a blog on here with the name of Insult Swordfighting - Where everyone fights like a dairy farmer. I saw it on Blogger's 'Blogs of Note' list. Just reading the name brings back memories, even if his blog doesn't really have much to do with Monkey Island. No idea what I'm talking about? I tell you you have missed out by not experiencing The Secret of Monkey Island and it's three sequels, some of the best adventure games ever. Who could forget insult swordfighting?
You fight like a dairy farmer.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
I have made myself a beanie. It's blue and fuffy and I'm overly proud of it *grin*
I'd post a picture except I don't have a working camera anymore.
So you think you can dance finale tonight. wheee! Go Jack! :-D
Saturday, 26 April 2008
This is me, This is who I am
There is so much. Yesterday I thought about lots of things and composed posts in my head. But today nothing flows. I've spent 40min getting nowhere.
Anyway here's the gist of it:
1. I want to apologise in greater depth for my outburst on Monday.
I am sorry about that. I had something I wanted to say but the way I expressed it was pretty terrible. I was coming from a place of anger and bitterness and I directed that towards people who had done nothing worse than invite me to something. They didn't deserve that and I know that they are generally very considerate people who wouldn't intentionally make me feel left out. I regretted saying it later, when I got home, because I knew it was uncalled for. I apologised next time I got on here (wed) but now I don't feel that was enough. So if you are one of the people I directed that at, I want you to know that I am sorry.
2. And the truth is that I do feel left out at times. I know this isn't anyone else's fault. It's just that living with food allergies is both frustrating and alienating when it comes to social event/gatherings. In our culture, as with others, people often bond over food - and when you can't eat those things it's hard. I am frequently tempted to avoid food related social events because:
option A - sitting around watch people eat is a bit alienating, especially when you do it not once, but at almost every social event you go to.
option B - trying to sort out something I can eat too is frustrating for me and bothersome for others. Bringing my own is time-consuming and not always an option (when was the last time you went to a restaurant or cafe that was happy for you to BYO food?)
option C - just eating it anyway, means (in my case) writing off the rest of the evening to feeling bleh.
3. This blog is an exercise in visibility. That is one of my main aims in keeping it. Probably the main reason. So what does that mean? I wrote a little piece in my head about that yesterday. I'll see if I can do it justice...
This is me, This is who I am.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
Sometimes it's scary baring my life and reactions to it in this blog. In public where anyone could read it. Exposing myself to the scrutiny of the world.
I don't know how many people actually read this but the thing is anyone could. Potentially. And that's a bit scary.
I worry sometimes that I'll lose friends by doing this. Or that I might make people hate me by what I say. I know that sometimes I express things badly. If I write when I'm stressed or upset for example. But I've made a commitment to this. A commitment to stop hiding my whole self. A commitment to always express a thing if it needs to be said. And to never settle for writing anything less than the truth. This is what I mean by visibility. So despite my fear that I might get myself into trouble, I am endeavouring to live this promise i made to myself.
I had to review my commitment to visibility recently and I came to the following conclusion:
If I lose friends by doing this, than so be it.
I hope that won't happen, but I would rather lose friends by being true to myself, than lose myself in order to maintain the good opinion of others.
If I cause people to hate me by what I say, than so be it.
I hope that won't happen, but I would rather have others hate me for speaking my truth, than hate myself for speaking an untruth or remaining silent when something needs be spoken.
I further commit to always endevouring to speak the truth with love. In a way that respects others and hurts no-one. I will no doubt make mistakes with this, however I will try my best.
This is me, This is who I am.
4. Thanks and acknowledgements
Neale Donald Walsch, God, and the Conversations with God books. My heartfelt thanks forever and always
Christopher Howard's Performance Revolution training.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Da Vinci Machines Exhibition
Leonardo Da Vinci Machines Exhibition
From the website:
Experience the incredible inventions of Leonardo da Vinci come to life in this outstanding interactive exhibition of finely crafted machines by the internationally acclaimed Artisans of Florence - Teknoart.
The Exhibition presents over sixty machines based on the original drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, featuring his amazing flying machines, nautical, hydraulic and architectural innovations, groundbreaking applications of civil engineering and incredible war machines.
I've spoken to someone who went and he said that it was good but he wouldn't say it's a "must see". Then again he's someone who's possibly considering going to the Perth Motor Show - so I think it's fair to say we have quite different interests.
I still want to go in any case, but am waiting until I start earning money again before I go to anything that's not free. Fortunately the exhibition runs until mid July.
If you want to go let me know, and we'll arrange a time once I start working :-)
Something else I want to go to once I'm earning again is Silvers Circus - why? just because really. I try to get to every circus performance that coming to Perth. It probably won't compare with Cirque du Soleil, but some of the acts look good. Any takers?
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Now I have to pass a pre-employment medical which I have organised for monday. I laugh at the pre-employment medical checklist, which includes, among other things:
Can you please determine if the applicant is physically able to do the following actions?
- stand for long periods of time up to 2 hours
- carry a small load of books (approximately 5 books)
- repetitive use of a handheld scanner to checkout and return books
I can see this is going to be a tough job. lol
I apologise for my grumpiness on Monday. Sorry everyone.
I stand by my comments about the fur-lined boots. And would also like pants... and a jacket... and... Possibly I have defective internal body temperature control or something, but a few days ago I was freezing and it's not even May. This is sad.
Anyone know of any shops that might sell such things?
I'd like to acknowledge Kmart Tyre and Auto, West Perth. Earlier today, I just dropped in and the guy supplied and fitted two rear brake lights for my car. And then wouldn't take any payment for it. Now I imagine that the light globes don't cost much. But it was nice of them regardless. So, thanks Kmart Tyre and Auto. Extra special thanks, because this is not the first time they have been nice to me either.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Not much to say really
Animal, vegatable, miracle - Barbara Kingsolver. An excellent book, interesting story about one family's experience eating local produce for a year, and a great introduction to the issues and facts around conventional/global vs organic/local food. Read it!
There's others, I just can't think of them right now
All I want this winter is a pair of fur-lined boots. Really.
I hate being cold.
Some things that have been annoying me a little lately:
1. Facebook and these computers >:-(
2. The way social events almost always seem to revolve around food
Is it small of me to be annoyed that not one of the three events my friends have organised for this weekend will have food I can eat? Probably it is ridiculous for me to be bothered by it, but, well, I am. I feel left out. And I feel justified in skipping one. What's the point of going to a fondue night when you can't eat cheese or chocolate? I might as well go to dancing instead.
3. The cold, and the fact that my flat is not much warmer than outside.
I really should go home and have some dinner rather than hanging around in the library. And then get on with get all my stuff together and going to bed early, so I don't have to panic madly tomorrow morning. (or at least not too much)
Two library job interviews tomorrow. Fingers crossed they go well. Please God let them go well.
I'd prefer Jack or Rhys to win, but I don't really care. All four of them are such amazing dancers and so deserving of being "Australia's favourite dancer"
I can't believe it's almost over... What am I going to do with my sunday nights after this sunday's grandfinal?
I'm hungry, somewhat grumpy and a bit worried about these interviews tomorrow. It really is time to go home.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Good planets are hard to find
Where to start? I get discouraged sometimes - that with so much to be done - how can I, just one person, make a difference. But such thinking can only hinder my ability to help so I try to get over it quickly when it happens. Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi - how much poorer would this world be, if they had thought that one person wouldn't be able to make a difference?
I think what is needed most is an attitude shift. A pretty major one, to be honest. This culture we live in encourages wastefulness. I'm starting to see the start of a shift. There is more and more information in the media about sustainability, climate change, local food options, etc than ever before. Mainstream media is catching on, no longer are these topics only written about in Nova or Living Now style publications. It's encouraging, but will it be enough? Only time will tell...
I have to log off now but in future posts I'll get down to some of the specifics - exposing my lifestyle for scrutiny on how green (or un-green) it is and profiling green local businesses that I want to encourage support for. Ultimately I'd like to set a website - specific to green options in Perth. There's lots of great information out there but I haven't (yet) seen anything like what I want to do.
Facebook woes
Why it happens I don't know. I'd assume if the uni wanted to stop people using facebook, they'd just block it. So it's probably not a delibrate issue. I can't really email student internet support and complain though. I guess I should just get around to getting my phone fixed as mum's been(not so politely) telling me to do so on a regular basis for the past several months.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Rambling Thoughts
I didn't used to get lonely much at all. When I first moved in to my flat, people always used to ask me if I got lonely living by myself or tell me they'd go insane if they had to live on their own. My answer was always along the lines of 'no, actually I like living on my own'. I was usually so busy doing stuff that I didn't have time to feel lonely.
Over 18 months down the track now, and I'm thinking I'd like to live with someone. It'd be a nice change I think. Admitedly I am rather... what's the word? ...I would give it a lot of thought before moving in with someone. Having my own space is still very important to me, I think it'd be nice to have someone else around at times. It'd have to be someone I got on with well though.
Sometimes I feel like such a social klutz. Generally I think I do pretty well now. Certainly I'm a hundred times better than I used to be. A couple of days ago, I read back over my high school reports for the first time in years. It was... interesting? eye-opening? even. Boy have I come a long way.
Now I have good (or at least reasonably good) interpersonal and communication skills. I can make small talk. I can start conversations with random people, where I have no need or even a reason to talk them - the standing in line at the supermarket kind of situation. I never would have done that a couple of years ago. I'm no longer terrified by the prospect of public speaking. And indeed, have given presentations and enjoyed it where 10 years ago I skipped school to get out of one. Similarly, I've got over what was to me at one point a very scary hurdle, in that now I can even ask guys to dance. (that said I still prefer them to ask me).
At some point last year I got called talkative and bubbly in the same week (by two separate people). At the time I was amazed - those are not adjectives I would have considered associating with myself - and yet I could pass for outgoing with people I didn't really know at all - wow! That was pretty cool.
Now I've forgotten what I was going to say in the first place - spending so much time focusing on the improvements I've made :-) It was good because it reminded me that, even though I still feel like a complete klutz in some social situations and I just want to go bury my head in the sand, I have come a long way.
So the remaining situations to master:
guys I find attractive, people who I really admire but don't know very well, and the odd person that I just can't work out what to talk to them about.
The latter I'm not that fussed about, it can be awkward occasionally but I'm ok with not winning them all. The others i'd like to get over. Sooner rather than later, preferably.
Enough rambling. In other news...
8 library applications later, and one of them has finally rang me and asked me to come in for an interview. Yay!
It's on Tuesday morning. Wish me luck. It's one of the earliest applications I put in too, so that gives me hope that some of the others might also ring me. Fingers crossed.
SYTYCD addiction update:
Natalie B "Which of these two girls will join Kate and Rhys in our top 4 dancers..."
Overly long dramatic pause.
(NB counts to 10 under her breath 1 2 3 4 5)
Me "Demi! Demi! Come on Demi! Demi!"
Natalie B (opens envelope 6 7 looks inside 8 9)
Me "Go Demi! resorts to begging... Pick Demi! pleeease pick Demi."
Natalie B (9.5 9.75 10) "It's Demi! Congratulations Demi"
Me "whoohoo! yeah! whoohoo! Yay!"
The same process was repeated "just after the break" for Jack... One wonders if I'm taking this just a little too seriously perhaps? :-P
Jack, Kate, Demi and Rhys made it into the top 4. I'm stoked because I think they are the ones who deserve to be there the most. But I will miss Graeme. He had so much 'heart' in his dancing, particularly in his contemporary routines.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
but wait, there's more
Number of geriatrics I passed driving their electric buggy things on the road, while I was driving to/from the Mount Claremont farmer's markets yesterday:
Number of times I've wanted to move out of my current flat in past couple of months:
Number of flats/shared houses I've looked at in same period of time:
(I considered it best to find a more permanent job first)
One thing I wish I spent less time doing:
watching tv
Two things I wish I did more often:
1. Dance
2. Catch up with friends
Three things I could have gone to today, rather than tidying up my flat a bit and writing in my blog:
1. Joondalup Festival
2. Buddha's Birthday Festival
3. Castaway Sculpture Awards Exhibition in Rockingham
Four things I think are important:
1. Sustainability
2. Doing what you love
3. Compassion
4. Integrity
Five items I got out the library today:
1. Cities for a Small Planet - Richard Rogers
2. Subiaco Sustainable Demonstration Home dvd
3. Jamie Oliver Happy Days Tour video
4. Stravaganza City of Masks - Mary Hoffman (YA fiction)
5. A travel autobiography about moving to Rome, who's title and author I can't remember
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Life update
Number of nights I have spent at my place in the past 3 weeks:
Number of nights I have spent at Mum or Dad's places down south in same period of time:
Current food restrictions:
No dairy, yeast, sugar, alcohol.
Also problematic (weirdly!) - apple cider vinegar, pinenuts, grapes
butter ok. sugar in really really minimal amounts ok.
marinated sheeps milk feta not ok (sadly as was very yummy)
Things I miss eating:
Nothing really. Initially used to miss chocolate/junk food/cheese/etc but I've got over that now.
What I miss is being able to just go out and get takeaway without worrying about what's in it. Being able to buy packaged stuff without having to read the label every time. Did you know even breadcrumbs have milk solids in them?!?
Current (minor) addiction:
So you think you can dance Australia
Current celebrity crush:
Jack from So you think you can dance
Because he's an awesome dancer!
he seems like a really nice guy,
and I think he's cute.
Current real life crush:
don't have one
Number of times I have watched Jack and Kate's Spiderman quickstep from last Sunday on the so you think you can dance website:
Number of time I've watched Jemma and Rhys' waltz from week 1 on aforementioned website:
Two things I am pleased about:
1. Kevin Rudd telling the Chinese government to opening peace talks with Tibet
2. That there are now 2 good farmers markets within a 20min drive from my place. City Farm Organic Growers Market. And now a farmer direct market at Mount Claremont Primary School
Number of other random things I could count, if the library wasn't kicking me out in 5 mins:
Who knows?
Thursday, 3 April 2008
What am I going to do now?
That's a bit of a big question. I've applied to work at a couple of libraries (Nedlands and Bayswater) and I've got applications for others that I want to customise and send in. There are a couple of other jobs that I'm planning to apply for too.
I don't know if this is really what I want to do, though a library job would be really cool. I love books, I like helping people, and I'm good with technology - what more would there be to it? It seems like it'd be a pretty easy going job, which I think would be good.
When I went down to Mum's place over Easter, I really didn't want to come back to Perth. It was so nice and relaxing down there. I seem to be a bit low on resilience recently (possibly being quite sick yesterday is colouring my perceptions on this). I guess another option is to move back down there.
Financially, I've got probably about another fortnight before I'll need to find work urgently. If all else fails, I can see if the supermarket I used to work at will take me back - they're almost always looking for staff. This I know is not really what I want to do with my time.
Other thoughts:
Last weekend I did a Neuro-Training (previously Educating Alternatives Kinesiology) workshop called Financial Freedom (can't seem to find any infomation about this online although that could be due to the fact I found their website rather confusing to navigate). Basically it was about getting rid of unsupportive patterns or stresses you may have around finances. We looked at things like your financial threshold - how much money you are comfortable handling at one time, the stress around money symbols such as $, why you should never set your prices to end with a zero and lots more that I couldn't possibly explain in a couple of sentences. It was really fascinating and it made a lot of sense.
I've found myself wondering if I can do something with it (ie give consultations). This is part (a small part) of the kind of kinesiology my mum does - that people pay her $100/hr for. Of course she knows a lot more than just this one course, she's been studying these things for longer than I've been alive. I don't know if that's what I want to do though either. Guess I should do some practice and see if I actually like it, as just because I found the course fascinating doesn't mean I'd like working on people. So... any guinea pigs out there? No charge - but if you get good results you have to send me paying clients (if I decide I want paying clients, that is)
Other, other thoughts:
Recently I've become more aware and passionate about the need for green food after reading Barbara Kingsolver's book. Not green in the broccoli and spinach etc variety but 'green' in the sense of environmentally sustainable. I'd like to do something with this knowledge and this feeling that this is important. Very important.
I've been reading other books that also speak of the need of a global shift - a new paradigm. I agree with them and again I'd like to do something. I can recommend the books to people - I did that today - but what else? Are there actually jobs in these kind of fields? Maybe there are... I should do some research.
Other, other, other thoughts:
I am good at making written things sound better (mum always gets me to edit her marketing material or anything she is going to send out to her client database). I'm particularly good with advertising copy. I do kind of enjoy it too - depends a bit on what I'm working on. Is this a marketable skill? Actually that's a redundant question as I'm sure it is a marketable skill. What I really want to know is: What can I do with this? What sort of things are there out there that want this?
Other, other, other, other thoughts:
Just kidding =P
That's it for now.