Sunday, 27 April 2008

Caution: Ferret on board

This is a mishmash post.

Yesterday I walked past a car with a 'ferret on board' bumper sticker. However unusual this may be, that was not the sticker that caught my attention. This one, which has caused much puzzlement ever since, said "Ferrets are like potato chips. You can never just have one"

Hmm... Interesting. My chemistry lecturer many years ago used to tell us that chemistry is like ferrets. So therefore I have realised that the following conclusion can be drawn:

chemistry = ferrets = potato chips

Well I don't know about you, but I know which one I'd rather eat.


A cat tried to hijack my car yesterday. Thankfully I managed to persuade it to let me have my car back. I'm serious, if exaggerating a little. I pulled up in my friends driveway to pick her up and got out my car. Before I could shut the door this cat jumps in. It was a black cat and it was really dark so I wasn't entirely sure what had happened until I reached in, turned the light on and saw Mr Kitty was making himself comfortable on my passenger seat.


We had words, lots of shoeing motions and eventually I managed to persuade him to get out again.


There is a blog on here with the name of Insult Swordfighting - Where everyone fights like a dairy farmer. I saw it on Blogger's 'Blogs of Note' list. Just reading the name brings back memories, even if his blog doesn't really have much to do with Monkey Island. No idea what I'm talking about? I tell you you have missed out by not experiencing The Secret of Monkey Island and it's three sequels, some of the best adventure games ever. Who could forget insult swordfighting?

You fight like a dairy farmer.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.


I have made myself a beanie. It's blue and fuffy and I'm overly proud of it *grin*
I'd post a picture except I don't have a working camera anymore.


So you think you can dance finale tonight. wheee! Go Jack! :-D

1 comment:

  1. Who could ever forget Insult Swordfighting

    "Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab!"
    "First you better stop waiving it like a feather-duster."

    "Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?"
    "Why, did you want to borrow one?"

    "I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!"
    "I hope now you've learned to stop picking your nose."
