Saturday, 12 April 2008

Life update

Number of library jobs I will have applied for over the past 3 weeks at the close of business on Monday:

Number of nights I have spent at my place in the past 3 weeks:

Number of nights I have spent at Mum or Dad's places down south in same period of time:

Current food restrictions:
No dairy, yeast, sugar, alcohol.
Also problematic (weirdly!) - apple cider vinegar, pinenuts, grapes
butter ok. sugar in really really minimal amounts ok.
marinated sheeps milk feta not ok (sadly as was very yummy)

Things I miss eating:
Nothing really. Initially used to miss chocolate/junk food/cheese/etc but I've got over that now.
What I miss is being able to just go out and get takeaway without worrying about what's in it. Being able to buy packaged stuff without having to read the label every time. Did you know even breadcrumbs have milk solids in them?!?

Current (minor) addiction:
So you think you can dance Australia

Current celebrity crush:
Jack from So you think you can dance
Because he's an awesome dancer!
he seems like a really nice guy,
and I think he's cute.

Current real life crush:
don't have one

Number of times I have watched Jack and Kate's Spiderman quickstep from last Sunday on the so you think you can dance website:

Number of time I've watched Jemma and Rhys' waltz from week 1 on aforementioned website:

Two things I am pleased about:
1. Kevin Rudd telling the Chinese government to opening peace talks with Tibet
2. That there are now 2 good farmers markets within a 20min drive from my place. City Farm Organic Growers Market. And now a farmer direct market at Mount Claremont Primary School

Number of other random things I could count, if the library wasn't kicking me out in 5 mins:
Who knows?

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