I'm having a bit of trouble with expressing what I want to say at the moment. I came in to use the internet specifically for the purpose of writing a particular post - the one I wanted to write on Sunday - but I keep putting off getting started. I've been here for over an hour now and I told myself I'd go home at 7pm. I have done a few other things that I needed to get done - like send off my registration form for the Earth Carers Training course - but mostly I've been browsing randomly through the New Scientist blogs.
They have about half a dozen all up, devoted to specific things (technology, space, invention,... etc). You will probably not be surprised to hear that my favourite is the environment one.
The new job is going well. I've done 2 days so far and today I have the day off. After monday I was feeling a bit uncertain about it, but I enjoyed yesterday a lot more. There's a lot to learn. I had no idea how much behind the scenes stuff goes on in a library. From a borrowers perspective you'd think it's just checking out/in books and helping people find information but actually you mostly only do that when you're rosted on the circulation desk - which is usually only 2hrs per day (or sometimes 4hrs). Also they've got probably the most complex computer systems (plural emphasis) I've ever used. And to think I thought Booknet was complicated when I was in my previous job.
I think I'm getting the hang of the circulation desk stuff fairly quickly - but I reckon it'll probably take weeks/months to learn all the other stuff. That's ok though, because I like learning. Also the backroom tasks are divided up between the library officers on a roster system, which means that you do the same set of tasks for 6 months and the everyone rotate to another set. This is good because it means I only have to learn 1/6 of the things immediately (there's a new rotation starting next week) and the rest can wait until later. My background working in the bookshop, being a regular library user, and as books on wheels volunteer helps quite a lot. I would be really lost without it instead of looking forward to all the new things to learm. (but I probably wouldn't have got the job without it, anyway.)
I'm still feeling a little like I don't quite fit in. I think this is mostly because of being so new there but there are a few other factors:
1) I am, I estimate, at least 2 decades younger than the combined average age of the other people working there. I haven't met all the casuals yet but so far I've only met one other person who's within a decade of my own age. Well... possibly within a decade, given that I don't actually know how old he is. Everyone seems really nice and friendly, just... I don't know what I'm trying to say. They are all really nice.
2) I don't follow the footy and it appears that the footy is one of the major bonding factor between most of them. I am lost in conversations about football - apparently something really tragic happened last weekend...?
I expect the sense of not quite fitting in will disappear once I've got used to things. And I'm enjoying it regardless. I think I will enjoy working in a library. I guess it's just a little odd being younger (by a long way) than almost everyone else I work with. But it's not really a bad "odd".
I need to get some more work clothes too. Apparently denim is not acceptable. Nor sleeveless tops. Other than that we can wear what we want, but I only have 2 pairs of pants that seem suitable. And most of my jumpers are old and a bit too scruffy looking to wear to work I think. Good Sammy's, here I come... :-P
It's late. I don't know if this "sunday's post" is ever going to get written. I need to get home and make dinner (quite very probably ratatouille) before Spicks & Specks and going to dancing.
Hey cool, Gilkison's have got themselves a new website.
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