Monday, 12 May 2008

Life update

I was going to write a post tonight but...

oh well. Better luck next time.

Work = bonafide cushy government job.
Possibly I am just not used to the concept of a job where you get paid holidays... but it's also the fact that as well as a 45min lunchbreak (generous by my past experience) we also get a 15min tea break for both morning and afternoon tea each day. This means it's impossible to work more than 3hrs at a stretch (and frequently time between breaks is less) Not that I am complaining about this.
I'm enjoying it (not really because it's easy-going) but because the people are nice, the customers are almost always nice and... well...
books! lots of books! yippee! :-D

One downside is finding so many books to read that I'll still be getting through them years later, and ending up with hideous overdue item fines. To avoid this fate, I'm trying to limit myself to taking home no more than one item per day. Ok so it's not really a downside. It's actually pretty cool because I run across books I probably never would have found otherwise.

If there is a downside I guess it would be that my feet usually get sore by the end of the day - I think I need some better shoes.

In other news...
I have no other news. Not much else has happened to me lately. Went to the movies with Mum and my brother yesterday to see "Miss Pettigrew lives for a day". It was cute. I liked it (but brother didn't). The story was a little light on substance but I didn't really care. Frances what-ever-her-name-is who played Miss Pettigrew was very good in the lead role.

Happy Mother's Day to Mum for yesterday. You are awesome and I love you.

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