Monday, 19 March 2012

On marriage equality...

Tonight I sent in a submission on the Australian senate inquiry into marriage equality.

You can support marriage equality in Australia by sending a submission here:

I strongly encourage you to complete this form if, like me, you believe that same-sex couples should have the same right to get married as heterosexual couples. Closing date is April 2nd.

The default message is as follows:


Dear Committee Secretary,

As an Australian who believes same-sex couples should be able to marry, I strongly support the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010.

The Bill is an important step towards providing legal equality for same-sex partners and removing discrimination against them.

The Bill will strengthen relationships, families and marriage, and will make Australia a fairer and more inclusive nation.

I support provisions of the Bill which will allow a celebrant who is a minister of religion to refuse to marry same-sex partners.

I oppose civil unions as a substitute for full equality in marriage for same-sex partners.

I added some of my own comments in the further information box:

Repeated polling shows that the majority of Australian's support marriage equality. Please update our laws to reflect the majority view, rather than that of the vocal minority who speak out loudly in the hope that they can drown out the rest of us.

I may not be paying for controversial (and offensive) ads in the paper like Bob Katter, but my view is no less valid for the fact that I speak it quietly but firmly.

Come on Australia, it's time to step and show the world that this is a place where people of all sexual preferences can live without stigma or discrimination.

Thank you,

Jess Carrier

27 year old heterosexual female who believes her gay and lesbian friends should have the same rights she has.

I give you permission to use my comments if you want to/can't think of your own... So go on support marriage equality in Australia.

A summary of polls done on support for marriage equality can be found here.

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