Monday, 19 March 2012

Rough day

Rough day. I don't understand why people think it's acceptable to pike at the last minute. Not the genuine "car broke down" / "too sick to leave the house" / etc which of course is understandable, but instead piking at the last minute simply because they chose something else over spending time with me, despite the fact that I had specifically chosen Sunday instead of Saturday because they wanted me to have it on Sunday. [insert non-complimentary comments about people here]. You knew this was happening, you knew that I'd deliberately scheduled it to fit in with you, and yet you still made choices today that meant you had to text me less than one hour beforehand and say you couldn't make it.

Well f--- you! I don't really care if other people think this is acceptable or not. It really shits me when people do this. Pretty much guarantees I'll be reconsidering your place in my life, and whether I should be bothering to maintain the friendship/relationship/whatever is was we had. Frankly I'm probably better off anyway hanging around with people who, like me, don't consider this acceptable behaviour.

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